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Sexual assault continues to plague women in the military


We look at the Lost Heroines campaign by specialist lawyers Bolt Burdon Kemp which highlights some of the issues facing women in the military, with a particular focus on sexual harassment.

Historical allegations: fact vs fiction


With the recent reporting about relaxed rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, we take a quick look at some of the key questions around the allegations of abuse and killing by UK troops.


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Personnel are being failed by the military justice system


We welcome Liberty’s Second Rate Justice report and the launch of their new Human Rights Helpline for the UK Armed Forces.

Martial Law and No-Deal War Games


The armed forces are engaging in ‘war games’, reservists will be mobilised and Brexit planners are reportedly looking at the possibility of martial law in the event of a no-deal. 

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The military in education & youth activities


The UK armed forces visit thousands of schools each year. They offer career presentations, curriculum resources and other activities aimed at promoting the interests of the military and long-term recruitment. Since 2012, the Department for Education have promoted ‘military ethos’ programmes such as cadet units in state schools and ‘alternative provision with a military ethos’. … Read more

The military in society

ForcesWatch observe and respond to ways in which the military is being promoted as a normal part of everyday life. We believe that uncritical support for the armed forces stifles concerns about how young people are recruited and limits debate on alternatives to war. There is concern that some government initiatives, such as Armed Forces … Read more

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