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Resources to use with political representatives


Contact your MP, other political representative or local union or political branch about the military involvement in education and raising the age of military recruitment.

Model motion on military and defence industry influence in education

For discussion in union or party branches and councils etc. The motion calls for oversight and regulation of military activities in schools, including for careers and curriculum purposes, and for military-themed activities or perspectives to be balanced by activities focusing on peace and human rights. It also calls for activities run by arms companies in schools to cease.

Liberty Soldier’s Rights campaign


The human rights organisation Liberty campaign on Soldier’s Rights and have addressed a number of substantial concerns with the military justice system in recent years.

Before you sign up

If you are thinking of enlisting into the armed forces, or someone you know is, look at the information below to help become fully informed. If you only look at one thing, check out Before You Sign Up which is an independent website looking at the pros and cons of joining the army and answers … Read more

Selling the military: A critical analysis of contemporary recruitment marketing in the UK


This report, written by ForcesWatch and published with the public health charity Medact,  analyses the way the armed forces market their careers to adolescents and young people, creating powerful messages that which exploit developmental vulnerabilities and social inequality, risking the health and well-being of recruits. Narratives of camaraderie and self-development also serve to promote an uncontroversial and depoliticised idea of the military more widely which promote self-fulfilment in the context of conflict.

New report calls for regulation of military marketing that targets young people


A report published today (27 February 2019) critiques the armed forces’ marketing practice in selling their careers to vulnerable adolescents. This comes in the wake of the Army's controversial new 'Snowflake' recruiting campaign.

Adverse health effects of recruiting child soldiers

This editorial in BMJ Paediatrics Open (2019, vol 3, issue 1) discusses the issues raised in the Medact report, The recruitment of children by the UK Armed Forces: a critique from health professionals, which brought together evidence highlighting the increased risk of death and injury for those recruited under the age of 18. The authors, Reem Abu-Hayyeh and Guddi Singh, contributed to the content and launch of the report Selling the military: A critical analysis of contemporary recruitment marketing in the UK by ForcesWatch and Medact.

War School film


A film about recent militarism and the battle for the hearts and minds of young people in the UK. The film follows the stories of Ben Griffin, former SAS soldier and founder of Veterans for Peace UK, and Quaker activist Sam Walton, and features the work of ForcesWatch and partner organisations. See and related learning resources.

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