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Army dreaming


The Army are exploiting adolescent vulnerabilities and utilising crude stereotypes in order to attract record numbers of young recruits. We should be concerned about the gap between the dream sold by these advertising campaigns and the reality of military life.

Book Review: Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away with War Crimes


Joe Glenton reviews this explosive account of a secret group of mercenaries based on newly declassified documents.

Boris Johnson’s government and the military: a look ahead at 2020


Britain is just over a week into the new government’s tenure.  What this means in the long term is hard to say but critical voices will be needed. For ForcesWatch, this means questioning the government on how they will be addressing issues such as legacy legal cases against soldiers, their policy on arms sales and … Read more

#GE2019: security & defence


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A potted analysis of existing positions and manifesto pledges of Labour, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, the major nationalist parties and the Greens.

Webinar: Mobilising the crisis: Covid-19 and the UK military


This webinar was recorded on 10 June 2020.

Leading critical military studies academics discuss the role and operation of the UK military in the COVID-19 crisis and, in the light of the #BlackLivesMatter protests, how militarism intersects with racism and public control at home and abroad.

Warrior Nation: Militarism, War & Resistance


For the finale of our first podcast season, we spoke to political hip hop artist Lowkey about war, militarism, the current political climate, and our hopes and prospects for the future. The event was recorded in front of a live audience at Housmans Bookshop in London on 4 December and co-hosted with peace activist Maya Evans. The music in this podcast is from Hand On Your Gun by Lowkey.
[buzzsprout episode='2263568' player='true']

Planning Remembrance Day events in your school


This guidance is based on five-years of research carried out by Oxford Brookes University and Brunel University London. It looks at how school leaders can approach discussing ethical themes related to conflict.

Data on military visits and activities in schools


The latest information available and some quick guidance on using this data.

The British armed forces: Why raising the recruitment age would benefit everyone

A briefing (Child Soldiers International, 2019) making the case for setting 18 as the minimum age for recruitment.

More military ethos in schools


Schools Week report on the government’s continuing attempts to instill more military ethos in schools.

Could you take a seat for the next generation?


Our Peaceworker, Jen Harrison, writes about attending the DSEI arms fair and how arms companies target young people as future employees and supporters.

Conscription by poverty? Deprivation and army recruitment in the UK

This report from the Child Rights International Network, Conscription by poverty? Deprivation and army recruitment in the UK, states that the UK is the only country in Europe to recruit from age 16 and more soldiers are recruited at 16 than any other age.

Facts or Anecdotes? The battle for the truth over the outcomes of military service


We look at recent reports on the levels of abuse in the armed forces and growing ackowledgement of the systemic failures in how complaints are handled.

Scottish Government ignores child rights concerns around armed forces activities in schools


Quakers in Scotland and ForcesWatch are disappointed that the Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament have decided to close further investigation of how to implement their own recommendations around oversight of armed forces activities in schools.

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