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Warrior Nation – how the power of the military challenges British democracy


A new report by a leading defence academic reveals how a ‘militarisation offensive’ – which began in 2006 to create support for the Afghan war – has increased the military’s influence on British politics and society. (2)

The armed forces and special schools


Concerns we have raised with the Scottish Parliament about armed forces activities in special schools have been picked up by The Daily Record newspaper.

My thoughts exactly: UK army accused of dictating soldiers’ press statements


The army has been accused of manipulating teenage soldiers by spoonfeeding them identikit quotes to be used in local and regional newspaper articles extolling life in the military.

UK military school audit reveals teenage recruits at risk

Drive to fast-track late joiners at AFC Harrogate led to issues including skewing staff/student ratios in dangerous activities.

British army ads targeting ‘stressed and vulnerable’ teenagers

The British army has targeted recruitment material at “stressed and vulnerable” 16-year-olds via social media on and around GCSE results day, the Guardian can reveal.

News coverage of the Scottish Parliament’s report on armed forces visits to schools


With the publication of the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee report on our petition on armed forces visits to schools, there has been substantial coverage in the news.

Ministry of Defence misleading public over armed forces visits to schools

With the publication of the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee report on our petition on armed forces visits to schools, there has been substantial coverage in the news (see our round-up). The Ministry of Defence have said a number of things in response that are very disputable – this blog outlines some of the evidence.

Scottish Parliament recognises child rights and welfare concerns around armed forces activities in schools

Quakers in Scotland and ForcesWatch welcome the recommendations made in a report from the Scottish Parliament about armed forces activities in schools.

The new tide of militarisation


Militarism has existed in the Britain for a long time, but there is a new tide of militarisation that has developed over the last five years. This briefing from Quaker Peace and Social Witness, explores the government strategy to increase public support for the military, in order to raise the willingness of the public to pay for the military, make recruitment easier, and stifle opposition to unpopular wars.

Resisting militarisation in Leicester


We interviewed poet and campaigner Ambrose Musiyiwa for Peace News on militarisation in Leicester and how local people are acting to resist militarism.

Ethics not (military) ethos


Former education minister Robert Goodwill has been tasked with drawing up a report for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on the benefits of ‘military ethos’ in schools. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has suggested this could include ‘military academies’ in disadvantaged areas.

We consider the ethics of imposing an ethos from outside of education, especially when it serves interests at odds with the best interests of young people.

Submission to the Human Rights and the Scottish Parliament inquiry


This submission made by ForcesWatch and Quakers in Scotland to the Scottish Parliament’s human rights inquiry details our concerns around the need for regulation and transparent accountability of military activities in schools, the lack of education about peace and human rights, and the continued recruitment of children into the UK armed forces.

‘Testing the Argument’: MSPs call for report into military visits in Scotland’s schools


Members of the Scottish Parliament have agreed to produce a report into military visits in Scotland’s schools in a response to our petition on the issue.

Harrogate abuse court martials

On the day that the Harrogate abuse court martials were dropped and the press was allowed to comment after reporting restrictions were lifted, there was coverage in almost all the major news outlets. Our comments, and those of partner organisations, were also reported.

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