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Recruitment of children to the military in Welsh schools


new report by Cymdeithas y Cymod, ForcesWatch and the Peace Pledge Union examines the issue of military recruitment in schools in Wales  an issue steeped in controversy and on which the Welsh government made a series of commitments in a report published in June 2015following a public petition submitted in 2012. Since then, little tangible progress has been made against those commitments, yet military recruitment visits to Welsh schools have continued undiminished. 

Webinar: Mobilising the crisis: Covid-19 and the UK military


This webinar was recorded on 10 June 2020.

Leading critical military studies academics discuss the role and operation of the UK military in the COVID-19 crisis and, in the light of the #BlackLivesMatter protests, how militarism intersects with racism and public control at home and abroad.

Planning Remembrance Day events in your school


This guidance is based on five-years of research carried out by Oxford Brookes University and Brunel University London. It looks at how school leaders can approach discussing ethical themes related to conflict.

Conscription by poverty? Deprivation and army recruitment in the UK


This report from the Child Rights International Network, Conscription by poverty? Deprivation and army recruitment in the UK, states that the UK is the only country in Europe to recruit from age 16 and more soldiers are recruited at 16 than any other age.

Model motion on military and defence industry influence in education


For discussion in union or party branches and councils etc. The motion calls for oversight and regulation of military activities in schools, including for careers and curriculum purposes, and for military-themed activities or perspectives to be balanced by activities focusing on peace and human rights. It also calls for activities run by arms companies in schools to cease.

Selling the military: A critical analysis of contemporary recruitment marketing in the UK


This report, written by ForcesWatch and published with the public health charity Medact,  analyses the way the armed forces market their careers to adolescents and young people, creating powerful messages that which exploit developmental vulnerabilities and social inequality, risking the health and well-being of recruits. Narratives of camaraderie and self-development also serve to promote an uncontroversial and depoliticised idea of the military more widely which promote self-fulfilment in the context of conflict.

White Poppies for Schools


We have teamed up with the Peace Pledge Union to produce a White Poppy Schools Pack, which aims to explore Remembrance in a way that encourages critical thinking, and gives space for marginalised perspectives on war and peace.

The learning resource can be read online here, or purchased from the Peace Pledge Union as a bigger pack including white poppies and white poppy leaflets.

Everyday Militarism poster


This poster on Everyday Militarism (designed by Abbey Thornton and produced by Quakers in Britain) features many aspects of current militarism in the UK. It is a great way to spark off conversation about the roots of war and the kind of society we need to build peace. Available as a download, or to order and there is also an interactive version. It comes with discussion notes. See the poster and related resources



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A back door to Parliament for defence contractors: mapping arms company influence in APPGs


Our research on the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces found very little transparency and a huge amount of corporate sponsorship, and defence companies continue their involvement in APPGs in the new parliament.

Complicit partners? The UK-Israel Roadmap


In 2023 the UK and Israel agreed an extensive ‘Roadmap’ for cooperation and partnership. We explore its material and ideological commitments on issues like economics and defence, and consider the implications of this relationship for peace and security.

Military power in British democracy


A consensus in Westminster on defence issues is failing to properly scrutinise the impact of the armed forces, the arms industry, defence partnerships and novel military tech initiatives on society. We’re investigating points where the military and defence industry leverage undue influence, with implications for democracy, war and security in the UK.

International antimilitarism


A round-up of our recent podcast series featuring activists working against militarism in Israel, the US and South Korea, dissenting voices from the Ukrainian war and the UK, and a Palestinian experience of militarised occupation.

100 days of Starmer: no substantial change to UK militarism


Some token foreign policy developments have been made but the opportunity for setting a new tone around defence and security has been missed.

Dark Matter: The UK military ventures into space 


A new space-race is militarising the heavens. We look at recent developments, UK alliances, the defence companies involved, and the woeful lack of parliamentary scrutiny.

‘Honourable and Gallant Members’: Patrician militarism prevails under Labour


Johnny Mercer may have lost his seat, but military ‘values and standards’ are here to stay in British politics

GE24: Militarist manifestos?


More of the same? Where the parties stand on defence issues.

Is Anti-Militarism Unpatriotic?


On Armed Forces Day 2024, we examine the incentives behind these events. Where did Armed Forces Day come from and what is it trying to achieve?

Armed Forces Day is a display of militarism. Branded as ‘family fun’ days, it fails to address the grim realities of war, and acts as a soft recruitment tool, allowing children to handle weapons and play on military vehicles.

Declining interest in Armed Forces Day welcomed by peace campaigners

Peace campaigners have welcomed the news that there will be no national event for Armed Forces Day this year, as no local councils have come forward to host it. Local events to mark Armed Forces Day (29th June) this weekend are facing growing resistance from groups and individuals concerned about its uncritical portrayal of war and the armed forces.

Armed Forces Day 2024


What’s happening on Armed Forces Day this year. Download and/or order resources to use in your local community to challenge militarism.

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