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Scottish Parliament recognises child rights and welfare concerns around armed forces activities in schools


ForcesWatch and Quakers in Scotland press release

Quakers in Scotland and ForcesWatch welcome the recommendations made in a report from the Scottish Parliament about armed forces activities in schools.


SNP adopt #MakeIt18



A passionate debate was held on Sunday 8 October at the SNP Conference on Raising the Minimum Age of Military Recruitment to 18. The motion was passed!

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Arms companies and immorality in education


ForcesWatch comment

As the largest arms fair in the world takes place in London, we explore how arms companies have become part of the education system in the UK, despite the concerns for human rights and corruption that surround the defence and security industry.

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Make Art Not War… or both?


Poppy Kohner

Poppy Kohner examines the Army@theFringe season at the Edinburgh Festival and asks what becomes censored when elite institutions take on the programming and hosting of the arts.  

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Army recruitment practices exploit and widen class divisions


ForcesWatch comment

New evidence confirms that the British Army recruitment marketing deliberately targets working-class young people.

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Stripping the Civilian – how army training isolates, disorientates and dominates recruits


ForcesWatch comment

New findings highlight need to protect young people from harsh military training environments and inadequate safeguards in cadet forces.

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Militarism the whole family can enjoy


ForcesWatch comment

Local authorities have become the military’s promotional agents and recruiting sergeants. This article was first published in The Morning Star.

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What would Lennon do on Liverpool’s Armed Forces Day?


ForcesWatch Comment

"Peace is possible, and it isn't just inevitable to have violence... so advertise yourself that you're for peace if you believe in it." Imagine John Lennon alive today, with a ticket to ride back to his hometown, Liverpool, on 24 June 2017, the day that the city hosts Armed Forces Day.

Comment article

Do You Know The Agenda Behind Your School’s STEM Provision?


ForcesWatch and Scientists for Global Responsibility

The military and arms industries are putting large sums of money into our education system and into STEM educational material for schools. Science4Society Week is a chance to focus on learning from less destructive employers.

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Army life: the other side of the story


ForcesWatch comment

Telling adolescents that they can resolve their need to belong by joining the Army is simplistic and one-sided. The reality is many aspects of army life are potentially harmful, especially to vulnerable individuals. The other side of the story needs to be told. This is a longer version of an article first published by The Huffington Post