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Parliamentary mental health inquiry shows youngest military recruits and those from disadvantaged backgrounds face greater mental health risks than others in the forces


ForcesWatch press release

The Defence Select Committee recommended that the Ministry of Defence ‘conducts or commissions further research into female personnel, early Service leavers and recruits under 18 to determine the extent to which they are at higher risk of developing mental health conditions.’

Comment article

The concerted effort to increase the power of the military across society must be challenged


ForcesWatch comment

As support for the military is paraded in streets across the UK at Armed Forces Day events, politicians charged with fighting the military's corner are waging their own war on public and political opinion. This article was published in The Morning Star on 2 July 2018  


My thoughts exactly: UK army accused of dictating soldiers’ press statements


The Guardian

The army has been accused of manipulating teenage soldiers by spoonfeeding them identikit quotes to be used in local and regional newspaper articles extolling life in the military.


British army ads targeting ‘stressed and vulnerable’ teenagers


The Guardian

The British army has targeted recruitment material at “stressed and vulnerable” 16-year-olds via social media on and around GCSE results day, the Guardian can reveal.


News coverage of the Scottish Parliament’s report on armed forces visits to schools


With the publication of the Scottish Parliament's Public Petitions Committee report on our petition on armed forces visits to schools, there has been substantial coverage in the news.

Comment article

Ministry of Defence misleading public over armed forces visits to schools

04/06/2018ForcesWatch comment

With the publication of the Scottish Parliament's Public Petitions Committee report on our petition on armed forces visits to schools, there has been substantial coverage in the news (see our round-up). The Ministry of Defence have said a number of things in response that are very disputable – this blog outlines some of the evidence.


Scottish Parliament recognises child rights and welfare concerns around armed forces activities in schools


ForcesWatch and Quakers in Scotland press release

Quakers in Scotland and ForcesWatch welcome the recommendations made in a report from the Scottish Parliament about armed forces activities in schools.

Comment article

An inclusive, emotionally supportive British Army? Not yet.


ForcesWatch comment on the 2018 British Army recruitment advertising campaign

ForcesWatch comment on the 2018 British Army recruitment advertising campaign: We welcome any commitments and improvements the military makes to the welfare of soldiers but caution that the reality of military life is not accurately represented in this new campaign, and that the welfare of recruits into the Army should not be overlooked. A shorter version of this article is published by The Huffington Post


SNP adopt #MakeIt18



A passionate debate was held on Sunday 8 October at the SNP Conference on Raising the Minimum Age of Military Recruitment to 18. The motion was passed!

Comment article

Arms companies and immorality in education


ForcesWatch comment

As the largest arms fair in the world takes place in London, we explore how arms companies have become part of the education system in the UK, despite the concerns for human rights and corruption that surround the defence and security industry.