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Warrior Nation podcast – Gentleman Bureaucrat Masculinity: liberal militarism and the civil service

November 2022

November 30, 2022 SEASON 4 EPISODE 3 In this episode we speak with Hannah Wright, Queen Mary University of London, at how militarism and militarist assumptions infuse and shape security and foreign policy.


Warrior Nation podcast – Lifting the Rock: the military and justice

November 2022

November 17, 2022 SEASON 4 EPISODE 2
Our host, Joe Glenton, talks to Emma Norton, Director of the Centre for Military Justice, about the glacial pace of service justice reform and what it’s like to challenge the power of the British military.


Warrior Nation podcast – Dirty Secrets: the press and the military

November 2022

November 3, 2022 SEASON 4 EPISODE 1 With Richard Norton-Taylor who covered defence and security for The Guardian newspaper for over 40 years, reporting on everything from the Cold War to the 'War on Terror'.

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What lies behind Parliament’s military cosplay scheme?

A picture of MPs sitting in the Houses of Parliement where they are currently debating legislation on The Troubles.

The Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme raises serious questions about the relationship between politicians, the military and defence companies.


Warrior Nation podcast – War & memory: Witnessing

July 2021

In the second episode of our new series on war and memory, we speak with founder of Forensic Architecture Eyal Weizman and academic Susan Schuppli on the role memory plays in testimony and witnessing. The discussion explores the different approaches to evidence in war crimes tribunals, starting with the Nuremburg trials of 1945, and explains how the contemporary work of Forensic Architecture is helping to unlock the hidden memories of the victims of state violence.


Warrior Nation podcast – War & memory: Statues

June 2021

In the wake of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, and the Conservative Government's attempt to impose a maximum sentence of 10-years for vandalising statues, we speak with academics Natasha Danilova and Adam Elliot-Cooper on the national histories constructed through memorials and statues, and the spaces of reconstruction opened up by their removal.

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A tough year but business as usual


‘Tough year’ doesn't quite capture the extent to which our lives have been shaped by crises in 2020. Militarism, however, has not been locked down. Here is some of what we have been keeping an eye on this year as we look towards 2021.


Warrior Nation podcast – Filling the void in defence journalism: Phil Miller in conversation with Joe Glenton

December 2020

Joe Glenton is joined by Phil Miller, staff reporter at Declassified UK and author of 'Keenie Meenie: The British mercenaries who got away with war crimes', for a wide ranging discussion on defence journalism and coverage of the UK military in the media.


Warrior Nation podcast – What’s wrong with Armed Forces Day?

June 2020

In the first episode of our second series, we talk about Armed Forces Day with Symon Hill of the Peace Pledge Union, the pacifist campaigning organisation.

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Could you take a seat for the next generation?


Our Peaceworker, Jen Harrison, writes about attending the DSEI arms fair and how arms companies target young people as future employees and supporters.