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MPs criticise Ministry of Defence for continuing to send children to war

16/11/2011Child Soliders International

The MoD is criticised for lowering standards since WW1 and despite thousands of planned redundancies, it still recruiting children at twice the cost of adults.


Imprisoned Navy conscientious objector to appeal conviction in High Court


ForcesWatch press release

Navy medic Michael Lyons, a conscientious objector convicted of disobedience, who was detained in July, stripped of his rank and dismissed from the service, will be at the High Court 13 October to appeal his conviction. A recent European ruling recognises conscientious objection for first time as human right.


The big red cross

11/10/2011Peace News

Lillian Lyons, wife of imprisoned conscientious objector Michael Lyons, describes why he refused the “learning to kill” course.


Court martial for Navy medic conscientious objector

02/07/2011ForcesWatch press release

A medic in the Royal Navy will face court martial on Monday 4 July despite declaring that he is a conscientious objector.


Campaigners and churches back Armed Forces Bill amendments on recruiting children into the armed forces

13/06/2011ForcesWatch press release

Organisations and churches who have questioned the recruitment of under 18s into the armed forces are backing an amendment which could see children no longer able to enlist and bring the UK into line with international standards.


Campaigners welcome new right to leave the armed forces for under-18s


ForcesWatch press release

The government has today promised to give teenage soldiers the right to leave the armed forces up until age 18 if they are unhappy. ForcesWatch and other NGOs have been campaigning on this and other issues relating to under-18s in the armed forces as the Arned Forces Bill does through parliament.


Court martial raises fears over forces personnel’s right to conscience

19/05/2011ForcesWatch press release

A medic in the Royal Navy, who is facing court martial, will argue in court tomorrow that he has a legal defence. Michael Lyons has been charged with "wilful disobedience" because he asked not to participate in rifle training last September after having applied for conscientious objector status.


British sailor denied right to conscientious objection as world marks CO Day


ForcesWatch press release

Only a few days after International Conscientious Objectors’ Day on Sunday (15 May), a member of the Royal Navy with moral objections to the war in Afghanistan will be tried for ‘wilful disobedience’.


Armed forces report reveals MPs’ confusion over recruitment of under-18s


ForcesWatch press release

The report by the House of Commons Committee on the Armed Forces Bill has rejected proposals to raise the minimum age of recruitment to 18.  But ForcesWatch, an NGO that submitted evidence to the Committee, suggests that the wording of the report reveals a lack of clarity over the law in this area, even among MPs and senior military personnel.