military in schools/colleges
Expand cadet force to encourage youngsters to join forces, defence minister suggests
Britain’s cadet force could be expanded to encourage more youngsters to join the Armed Forces, a defence minister has suggested.
Why are education projects run by ex-services being prioritised?
On 15 November 2013, the Department for Education announced "£4.8 million to projects led by ex-armed forces personnel to tackle underachievement by disengaged pupils".
ForcesWatch has a number of concerns about the military-led 'alternative provision' being developed in schools: who benefits? the armed forces certainly will; military-led 'alternative provision' targets young people seen to be 'failing' - precisely those who need more options and, if channelled into the forces, are most at risk in warfare; the policy is based on limited evidence and ideological assumptions; will there be space for ethical issues around conflict to be addressed?
Camouflage Kids: How the military affects young people’s lives
November 2013
A ForcesWatch poster showing policy, cultural and other recent developments affecting the extent of military influence in young people's lives.
PTSD report finds veterans from disadvantaged backgrounds most at risk
05/11/2013Wales Online
Wales Online
Forces Watch report calls for the minimum age of recruitment to be raised to 18 to avoid exposing the youngest soldiers to the most trauma
The military’s influence in UK education
by Emma Sangster in Sowing Seeds: The Militarisation of Youth and How to Counter It, War Resisters International, 2013
‘Catch them young before the army loses them’
by David Gee in Sowing Seeds: The Militarisation of Youth and How to Counter It, War Resisters International, 2013
Ex-troops without degrees to train as teachers
16/07/2013BBC online
BBC online
Former armed forces personnel without degrees will be fast-tracked into teaching in England under a new government programme.
Charities pairing ex-military staff with disadvantaged pupils get £1.9m
18/01/2013The Guardian
The Guardian
Extra education cash for charities is part of Michael Gove's ambition to boost military ethos in schoolchildren
Concern over Government schemes promoting ‘military ethos’ in education
07/12/2012ForcesWatch press release
The organisation ForcesWatch (1), which monitors the way young people are recruited into the military, have expressed concern about the announcement made by Education Secretary Michael Gove of four projects which promote 'military ethos' in order to improve achievement among pupils disengaged with education
ForcesWatch briefing: Expanding the Cadets and ‘military ethos’ in UK schools
December 2012
A ForcesWatch briefing on the Government policy of expanding cadets and promoting 'military skills and ethos' in schools.