Training school pupils for the military and surveillance?
With recent announcements about cadets in schools and Cyber Cadets, we critique government commissioned research and political thinking that could lead to a far wider introduction of cadets and the harnessing of young people into 'tackling security threats'.
Is pushing the cadets really in pupils’ best interests?
Cadet units are not a social panacea but a recruitment tool. Our article, published in Schools Week, critiques the social impact report being used by the MoD to validate the expansion of cadets in state schools.
The Ministry of Defence has no place in our schools
Children don’t need militarism. They need a decent learning environment, writes Rhianna Louise. Our piece in The Morning Star about the latest announcement of more cadet units in schools and the problematic social impact report that has been published to support this.
Innovation not conformity
Dr Brian Belton, a leading international authority on youth work, gives his thoughts on the report: What is the social impact resulting from the expenditure on cadets? He argues that, 'the modern world does not require conformity, it demands innovation'.
Stripping the Civilian – how army training isolates, disorientates and dominates recruits
New findings highlight need to protect young people from harsh military training environments and inadequate safeguards in cadet forces.
Hidden in full sight: sex abuse covered up by cadet forces
04/07/2017BBC News
BBC News
BBC Panorama has uncovered evidence of repeated cover-ups of historical sex abuse in Britain's cadet forces.
Pushing ahead with cadets in schools
The Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, choose the Conservative Party conference to announce the next phase of the Cadet Expansion Programme with 25 new cadet units being set up in state schools.
Tory boost for cadets in schools needs fighting
This article was first published in the Morning Star.
The Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, recently announced that 25 out of 150 proposed new school cadet units would soon be opening. Despite the presentation of this development as new policy, the Cadet Expansion Programme promoting cadet forces in state schools, was first announced in 2012. While the Government heralds the cadets as a silver bullet in terms of improving pupil attainment and development, the sight of ranks of pupils as young as 12 in military gear and handling weapons will ring alarm bells for many. That this is happening within education raises additional concerns.
Who goes there? Campaigners fight to keep military away from UK schools
31/08/2016The Guardian
The Guardian
Britain is the only EU country to enlist 16-year-olds into the armed services and, say objectors, it starts with access to the classroom.
£2m ‘character education’ grant goes to military-style projects
27/06/2016Schools Week
Schools Week
A third of a £6 million funding pot aimed at building character in school pupils will be targeted at military-style projects, prompting criticism from campaigners.