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Declining interest in Armed Forces Day welcomed by peace campaigners


Peace campaigners have welcomed the news that there will be no national event for Armed Forces Day this year, as no local councils have come forward to host it. Local events to mark Armed Forces Day (29th June) this weekend are facing growing resistance from groups and individuals concerned about its uncritical portrayal of war and the armed forces.


Warrior Nation: International anti-militarism – Demilitarising Education

8 Feb 2024, SEASON 5 EPISODE 1


The Troubles, so called: Britain’s war in Ireland (EP1)

September 2023

The Troubles, so called, Episode 1 September 13, 2023


Warrior Nation: The War Racket: reflections & predictions

March 2023

March 30, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 10


Warrior Nation: War & police: linking the cops & the military

March 2023

March 15, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 9


Warrior Nation: A material world: think-tank funding and defending the status quo

March 2023

March 02, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 8


Warrior Nation: Everything looks like a nail: why the military can’t save the planet

February 2023

February 10, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 7 Our host, Joe Glenton, talks to Nick Buxton from the Transnational Institute about the intersection between climate change, the military and security.


Warrior Nation: Dark economics: understanding the politics of defence budgets

January 2023

January 18, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 6 Joe talks to Matt Fawcett from the Global Campaign on Military Spending UK about the dark economics of Britain's war machine.


Warrior Nation: Anti-establishment ethos: critiquing the military and foreign policy

January 2023

January 05, 2023 SEASON 4 EPISODE 5 Our host, Joe Glenton, talks to journalist Mark Curtis, founder and editor of Declassified UK, on the issue of reporting critically about British foreign policy and why think-tanks and the mainstream press help perpetuate a myth of Britain's role in the world.


Warrior Nation: Very murky: the arms trade and Parliament

December 2022

December 15, 2022 SEASON 4 EPISODE 4 In this episode we speak with Katie Fallon, Parliamentary Coordinator for Campaign Against Arms Trade, to discuss the difficulties of working in spaces where militarism and war are seen as inevitabilities. Our discussion is wide-ranging: from the revolving door to the multi-faceted opportunities for lobbying in a broke political system.