UK sent ‘children’ to Iraq and Afghanistan despite Government ban

The children were sent to ‘operational theatres’ between April 2008 and March 2010. Campaigners against use of child soldiers demand ministers end ‘outdated practice’.

Four British child soldiers have been sent to war zones – despite a Government ban, it was revealed last night.

Military chiefs ‘inadvertently’ sent the youngsters – all under 18 – to fight on the frontline.

It is understood the teenagers were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan where they risked being shot or blown up by homemade bombs.… Read more

Imprisoned Navy conscientious objector to appeal conviction in High Court

Navy medic Michael Lyons, a conscientious objector convicted of disobedience, who was detained in July, stripped of his rank and dismissed from the service, will be at the High Court 13 October to appeal his conviction. A recent European ruling recognises conscientious objection for first time as human right.

Recent European ruling recognises conscientious objection for first time as human right

A medic in the Royal Navy who was detained at court martial in July this year will appeal his conviction at the High Court on Thursday 13 October.

Michael Lyons was convicted of “wilful disobedience” because he asked not to participate in rifle training last September as he had applied for conscientious objector status. He was given 7 months detention, stripped of his rank as Leading Medical Assistant and dismissed from the service. (2)

At Michael Lyons’ court martial his lawyer argued that, because he had already applied for discharge as a conscientious objector at the time of the training, the command for him to participate in it was unlawful. Furthermore, as a medic and non-combatant, Mr Lyons had not been required to handle a weapon since 2005 and is not required to under the Geneva Convention.

Shortly after Mr Lyons was convicted, a ground-breaking ruling was made by the European Court of Human Rights which could have significant impact on this and similar cases.… Read more

European Court of Human Rights affirms the right to conscientious objection to military service

The European Court of Human Rights, in a ground-breaking judgment in the case of Bayatyan v. Armenia, has ruled that states have a duty to respect individuals’ right to conscientious objection to military service as part of their obligation to respect the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion set out in Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Joint statement of Amnesty International, Conscience & Peace Tax International, International Commission of Jurists, Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva, and War Resisters’ International

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights, in a ground-breaking judgment (issued on Thursday) in the case of Bayatyan v. Armenia (Application no. 23459/03, 1/6/2011), has ruled that states have a duty to respect individuals’ right to conscientious objection to military service as part of their obligation to respect the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion set out in Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights. In the light of this judgment, the above-named organizations call on Turkey and Azerbaijan, the only two parties to the Convention who do not yet provide for conscientious objection to military service, to take immediate steps to do so. Moreover, Armenia should amend its Alternative Service Act to ensure that it provides a genuine alternative service of a clearly civilian nature, which should be neither deterrent nor punitive in character, in line with European and international standards.… Read more

Back in the trenches?

Within the same week, the UK conscientious objector Michael Lyons was detained for 7 months and a landmark ruling in favour of conscientious objection was made by the European Court of Human Rights.

Derek Brett went to the Michael Lyons court-martial

Last Thursday will go down in the history books as a milestone in the history of conscientious objection. After sixty years, the European Court of Human Rights at last ruled unequivocally that the right of conscientious objection to military service is protected under the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

In the case of Bayatyan v Armenia, it found that the imprisonment of Vahan Bayatyan, a Jehovah’s Witness, for his refusal to perform military service at a time when no civilian alternative was available, was a violation of his freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Sadly, two days earlier in Portsmouth had been enacted a court-martial that might have taken place when conscientious objectors first came forward during the first world war. Michael Lyons was stripped of his rank as leading medical assistant and dismissed from the service with effect from the end of a seven-month ‘detention in a military correction establishment’ for ‘wilful disobedience of a lawful order’.… Read more

The big red cross

Lillian Lyons, wife of imprisoned conscientious objector Michael Lyons, describes why he refused the “learning to kill” course.

It is important for both Michael and myself to let you know how much we appreciate your support whilst my husband is locked up in military prison. Every message, letter and show of face means the world to us and is really helping us to get through this crazy time in our lives.

I am sure most of you know why Michael has been punished by the royal navy so I won’t waste your time regurgitating the details of his case, the intimidating court martials or the legality of his defence. Instead I will tell you a bit about how Michael’s conscience led him to a incredibly unjust sentence.

Mike has served as a medic in the submarine service for nearly seven years. It sounds clichéd but he really did join up because he thought he could help people. In fact he saw an advert on TV of a navy medic jumping out of a helicopter giving humanitarian aid in an unnamed war zone. The medic wasn’t carrying any weapons, just a box with a big red cross on it. He was sold.… Read more

‘UK employs US army recruiting tactics’

An exclusive interview with Ben Griffin, spokesman for Veterans for Peace, and former SAS soldier

In an exclusive interview with Press TV, Ben Griffin, spokesman for Veterans for Peace, and former SAS soldier, says that army recruitment centers in the UK are targeting the poorer areas of town, with the ability to recruit children as young as 15 years old.


view the interview

Press TV: Militarization in UK schools, this is one of the campaigns I know the Veterans of Peace are concerned about. What is militarization in UK schools? What are they doing in Britain schools?

Griffin: For the last couple of years I have been working with an organization called ForcesWatch which looks into recruitment practices of the British army. And something they have come across, and I have come across — who are working for them — is how the military is starting to push into schools to take over lessons and to try and to push the idea that the military and becoming a soldier is a sort of honorable career option for the UK students.

Press TV: Haven’t they always done that?

Griffin: For the last ten years they have been following the American model.… Read more